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Ask a question on RESAAS

If you’ve got a question about anything real estate related, from mortgages to selling to renovations, ask it in the bar above.


Now sit back and get ready for an answer from a real estate professional.


John Vizzi

Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc.

7932 S Vine Ct

Centennial, Colorado


Colorado Flat Fee Realty Inc., is a growing family of expert  Real Estate Brokers, managed by John J. Vizzi with 35+ years’ experience in all aspects of real estate services.

John not only owned and operated another real estate company overseeing 75 Brokers, but also owned and managed a loan brokerage company, and still owns and manages a title insurance company. He is a well-seasoned, expert Real Estate Broker with exceptional negotiating skills. John alone closed 79 homes in 2014.

Brad Inman
Brad Inman
  • @bradinman
  • 11 years ago

Greetings all, would love your feedback on RESAAS. Seems like a great idea and I like the functionality and the vertical focus. You?

Brad Inman
Brad Inman
  • @bradinman
  • 11 years ago

Brad Inman changed their profile picture on @RESAAS. See more