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Deepak Pinky Bansal
Deepak Pinky Bansal

✨We're so blessed and honored to be ranked among the top 5 teams (closed Units year to date 2022) Keller Williams New York Tri-state & Manhattan Region. So Thankful for all our present and past clients without whose support this would have never been possible. Also, a huge shout out to our mentors and staff members for their support throughout our journey.🤩🥰🥳

#thankfultuesday #rank5 #NewYorktristate #KWareas #Manhattanregion #Kellerwilliams #newjersey #topteam #thebansalteam #husbandandwifeteam #realtor #houseselling #homebuying #ourpassion #itmatterswhomyouworkwith #iloverealestateagent #realesateagent #deepakandpinkybansal #inspiration