Join the #positiveandproactive Conversation

Kathy White
Kathy White

Are you or your real estate clients making plans for next life chapter …. Let’s Connect = to find a year-round Whistler Resort property
Note: Whistler is currently exempt from Canada Foreign Buyer Ban & often great $CAD exchange rate
#whistlerhomes #lifestylelocatorbc #lovewhereyoulive #resortlifesytle #retireinstyle #rentalinvestment #positiveandproactive #whistler #bc #seatosky #phase1 #house #ski #bike #walkablelifestyle #360lifeplan #nature #wellness #callaghanolympicpark #walkingtrails #fun

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Kathy White
Kathy White

I have the pleasure of helping #realestate clients to sell & buy their #whistler home or rental investment property.
Join us at the upcoming #openhouse to see how you and your real estate clients can buy this townhouse for your future year-round Resort lifestyle, just north of #Vancouver and #YVR.
Sat. March 4, 2023: Tour in person (11:30 to 2:30 pm) or join virtual zoom & text message to 604-616-6933 for access (12:30 to 1:30 pm)
#lovewhereyoulive #whistlerhomes #lifestylelocatorbc #home #investmentproperty #positiveandproactive

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Kathy White
Kathy White

This is a fascinating article - thanks The Wall Street Journal and LinkedIn
My #Realtor Advisor colleague Carmyn Marcano and I were just speaking about this topic yesterday for our year-round #Whistler Resort. Happy to connect and discuss this topic further with #realestate and #business colleagues in the #estateplanning #lawyer #accountant careers to assist our #retirementplan #homeowners and #investmentproperty clients
#positiveandproactive #lifestylelocatorbc #whistlerhomes #evamericas #engelvoelkers

Kathy White
Kathy White

Here's the British Columbia Real Estate Economist April, 2020 market intelligence report for review. Helpful updates for our real estate industry. Stay Safe & Keep Well #positiveandproactive