Join the #engelvoelkers Conversation

- @kathywhite
- Whistler, BC
- 3 years ago
Invite you and your #realestate client to come and view this amazing Chalet style home in #Whistler, BC
Many have enjoyed Whistler Blackcomb ski seasons and then stay to enjoy the amazing summer Resort #community activities too!
You can join me online via zoom meeting link (send me a message for the link) Otherwise, open house in-person visitors welcome!
#whistlerhome #lifestylelocatorbc #lovewhereyoulive #evamericas #engelvoelkers

- @kathywhite
- Whistler, BC
- 3 years ago
This is a fascinating article - thanks The Wall Street Journal and LinkedIn
My #Realtor Advisor colleague Carmyn Marcano and I were just speaking about this topic yesterday for our year-round #Whistler Resort. Happy to connect and discuss this topic further with #realestate and #business colleagues in the #estateplanning #lawyer #accountant careers to assist our #retirementplan #homeowners and #investmentproperty clients
#positiveandproactive #lifestylelocatorbc #whistlerhomes #evamericas #engelvoelkers