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Marie Paule Lancup, BSc
- @mplRealEstateInc
- Montréal, QC
- a year ago
🏡 Market Update: Q4 Recap 📉
•》 Economic uncertainty and anticipated interest rate drops in 2024 are causing a decline in First-time Homebuyers.
•》 Sellers are also hesitating due to cautious Buyers, leading to a low transaction level and limited properties for sale.
•》 The market remains in Sellers' favor, with prices under pressure, occasionally falling in high-priced markets.
#realestate #realestateagent #montreal #monteregie
#realestatemarketupdate #RécapitulatifDuMarchéImmo
#homebuying #achatdemaison
#ECOplusRealtor #CourtierImmobilierECOplus #mariepaulelancupImmobilier #mariepaulelancupRealEstate

Joe Azzi
- @joeazzi
- Montreal, QC
- 8 years ago