Join the #ChristmasHoliday Conversation

Kathy Hyatt
- @kathyhyatt
- Plantation, FL
- 3 months ago
December 26th is not only a day for 🎅Santa Claus to catch his breath. For many Americans, 🎁Boxing Day 📦is that 🎄holiday 🤶that shows up on the 🗓calendar between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.
Across the pond 🌊and in other Commonwealth countries, Dec. 26 is a continuation of the Christmas holiday called Boxing Day. Employers filled up boxes with 🎁gifts, 💰money, and Christmas leftovers and gave to their 🤼employees.
#BoxingDay #December26th #ChristmasHoliday #Gifts #SouthFloridaRealEstateMarket #SouthFloridaRealtor #RockStarKat #RockStarRealtor #KathyHyatt #KathyHyattSellsPlantation #KathyHyattRealtor #PlantationFlorida #SunriseFlorida #DavieFlorida #HyattRealtors #CooperCityFlorida #KathyHyattSellsSouthFlorida