trish wilson
trish wilson

Did you know that no matter what happens around the world, be it war, market crash, pandemic, US crazy mortgage rates hikes, the real estate in the Philippines has been progressing? I was born and raised in the Philippines, but got the privilege to live, licensed and invested in real estate in California, Nevada and Arizona for 10 years, Idaho 2 years, 11 years here with my family. Pretty soon, we will be moving back to Idaho to get our daughter finish her associate degree. All these years, the real estate here has been progressing. We bought our house in 2010, sold in 2021, yes, during the pandemic which was 4x times more than the price we bought it. In 2021, we bought a farm in Batangas and now is 4x more in less than 3 years! Find out more why is it good to invest in real estate in the Philippines and how! Send me a DM, and together, we can help our clients improve their real estate portfolio!

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