MarketStatus = OnMarket MarketStatus (value) = 0 ExpirationDate = HoursToExpiry =

6 Lyell Court, Mount Samson, QL, Australia, 4520

  • Lots & Acreage
  • Posted: May 27, 2014 7:06 AM


sqm (approx)

$625,000 AUD AUD

Profile Image
Matti Walker
If you are interested in this property or others in the area I'd be happy to help. Just let me know your name and number and I'll be in touch as soon as I can.


The Lyell Deer Sanctuary is only 35 km to Brisbane situated in the foothills of Mt Samson is this unique business & lifestyle.
With infrastructure including

• 80 Seat Café with Liquor Licence
• Café 12m x 14m
• Commercial Kitchen
• Shop 12m x 7m
• 30 Car parks
• Coach turn around
• 3 Separate Deer Paddocks
• Fawn enclosure and feed shed
• Plat-formed Deer Feeding Area
• Future expansions of this business could include Eco Cabins.

“Sanctuary” being the operative word to describe the peace and relaxing atmosphere of this truly unique property and business

For more detailed information please view