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Hanne Selby

Homelife Glenayre Realty Chilliwack Ltd

8387 young road

Chilliwack, bc


I have been an agent for 27+ years. I love what I do. Our profession allows us to meet new clients, and friends as well as connect with some of the best agents across the country. My goal is to give the best service possible. Finding the right home for a client is like buying the perfect gift. I have extensive knowledge in negotiating and marketing which helps my clients and other referred clients wit all their Real Estate needs."Service With your needs in mind"
I pay life time referrals to anyone who  sends me a client. They buy and sell again get another cheque. They get great service.......does not get much better then that. 
I service the Chilliwack and Fraser Valley area, from New Westminster to Hope. 

I live on one of the best priced locations, 60 minute east of beautiful Vancouver. Surrounded by mountains, rivers , hiking, golf, fishing and a country lifestyle with urban living. 

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