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5963 La Place Court Suite 314

Carlsbad, CA


Founded in 2003, the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) is a nonprofit professional trade organization dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in Asian American communities by creating a powerful national voice for housing and real estate professionals that serve this dynamic market.
AREAA will accomplish this mission by:
Advocating for policy positions at the national level that will reduce homeownership barriers facing the APA community.
Increasing business opportunities for mortgage and real estate professionals that serve this growing community. 
Who We Are
AREAA's membership represents a broad array of real estate, mortgage and housing-related professionals that serve the diverse Asian American market. AREAA is the only trade association dedicated to representing the interests of the Asian real estate market nationwide.
Membership includes housing and real estate professionals of all cultural backgrounds and is open to those who support the mission of increasing sustainable homeownership in the Asian community.
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