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Fulvio Biagioli
- @fulviobiagioli
- Florence, IT
- 10 years ago
Prosperous #winery of 11 hectares, divided as follows: vineyard #BrunellodiMontalcino DOCG 3.5 Ha; vineyard #SantAntimo 0.36 ha; olive grove 0.5 ha, woods 3.2 ha ; residential buildings 160 Sq.M.; cellars and offices 240 square meters. ...

Fulvio Biagioli
- @fulviobiagioli
- Florence, IT
- 11 years ago
Prosperous #winery of 11 hectares, divided as follows: #vineyard #BrunellodiMontalcinoDOCG 3.5 Ha; vineyard #Santantimo 0.36 ha; #olivegrove 0.5 . More ... #luxuryrealestate #luxuryitalianproperty #Iltalianlifestile