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Fulvio Biagioli
Fulvio Biagioli

The property is located in the town of #Preci in #Todiano within the national park of the #SibilliniMountains. The #PalaceAnzuini, is developed almost entirely within the walls but a part the building is built over the castle walls, more precisely above the main fortified entrance. The palace is comprised of: on the ground floor wellness center with swimming pool and whirlpool. More ... #Norcia ‬ ‪#‎Marmorewaterfall‬ ‪#‎luxuryrealestate‬ ‪#‎luxuryitalianproperty‬

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Fulvio Biagioli
Fulvio Biagioli

New Listing - The property is located in the town of #Preci in #Todiano close to #Norcia within the national park of the Sibillini Mountains, perched at of 879 mt above sea level. The Palace Anzuini, is developed almost entirely within the walls but a part the building is built over the castle walls, more precisely above the main fortified entrance. The palace is comprised of: on the ground floor wellness center with swimming pool and whirlpool, a fitness area and relaxation area. More ...

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