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Karyn O'Dea
- @karynodea
- Gold Coast, Queensland
- 10 years ago
This beautiful property #SOLD over the weekend... 19 Easter Crescent #PacificPines.... 1 week on the market, 5 inspections, 1 sensational offer with a great final price achieved! Congratulations to the lovely #buyers and #sellers 😊 #TheKarynODeaPropertyTeam #RayWhiteRobina

Karyn O'Dea
- @karynodea
- Gold Coast, Queensland
- 10 years ago
Another one #selling in Easter Crescent, #PacificPines Queensland Australia $569,000.00
5 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 car, great side access plus a pool. Nothing to spend, this one won't last 😊 #TheKarynODeaPropertyTeam #RayWhiteRobina