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Kathy Hyatt
Kathy Hyatt

3 3️⃣Reasons Home Sellers Regret Not Using a Realtor®
Here’s why Homeowners who sell without a Realtor® are Twice as likely to be dissatisfied with their Experience, according to a Recent Survey:
✋Pricing Challenges
☀Marketing and Exposure
🤝Negotiation Expertise ⁣
Contact Kathy and her Team to find out how she can make your Home Sale a Success! ⁣

#marketing #homesellers #pricingchallenges #negotiationskills #RealEstateTips #HomeSellerTips #HireARealtor #SouthFloridaRealEstateMarket #SouthFloridaRealtor #RockStarKat #RockStarRealtor #KathyHyatt #KathyHyattSellsPlantation ...

Christophe Choo
Christophe Choo

I am proud to announce that we have OVER $16,000 committed thanks to our fundraising efforts for Relevant Agent 2020 in support of homeless youth at @covenanthousecalifornia !!! Thank you to everyone who has purchased their tickets and for supporting our cause! Special thanks to our sponsors, Kristi Munoz and Paramount Residential Mortgage Group. Help us reach and SURPASS our goal of raising over $20,000 for homeless youth in California by securing your ticket to Relevant Agent 2020. 👉 ONLY 12 DAYS LEFT TO GET YOUR TICKET ✅ November 6, 2019
✅ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm (PST)
✅ Citrus Valley Association of REALTORS® in Glendora (streamed live)

Comment below or message me directly if you're interested!

#RelevantAgent2020 #realestate #video #marketing #realtor #upcoming #event #covenanthousecalifornia #covenanthouse #homelessyouth #endhomelessness

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Ed Shalabi
Ed Shalabi
  • @edshalabi
  • 11 years ago

Taking awesome photos doesn't have to break your bank. We use Lister Assister ( and they don't just do incredible photos. Who do you use or do you shoot your listings yourself? #marketing