Join the #Green Conversation

- @manfredlewis
- Boiling Springs, SC
- 11 months ago
Hey Earth, you rock! This is why it’s important to clean up our act - and the planet. Whether it’s reading a book instead of binge watching a show, giving up bottled water, or swapping your lights to energy-efficient bulbs, every little bit counts! What Earth Day-friendly activities do you want to focus on today (and every day)? #thehelpfulagent #home #houseexpert #house #listreports #homeowner #househunting #earthday #realtor #realestate #realestateagent #begreen #green #planetearth #happyearthday

- @benirestea
- Hollywood, Florida
- 3 years ago
Discover the path towards a sustainable lifestyle. Cars, bills, windows, and plants all get eco-friendly alternatives.
#ecofriendly #sustainability #green #home

- @travisbard1
- Prescott, AZ
- 6 years ago
🌲🌳Diamond Valley Lot🌳🌲
Come view the lot and imagine the possibilities! Nice buildable lot, relatively flat with seasonal creek, property has lots of small and large trees. Electrical and water to property. Lot size 70'x120'. Located only 2 miles to Prescott Valley and 5 miles to Historical Prescott.
Contact us for more info!
#buildablelot #buildyourdreamhouse #lot #diamondvalley #trees #green #createyourownlegacy #legacyren #kellerwilliams #kwland #arizonarealestate

- @travisbard1
- Prescott, AZ
- 6 years ago
🏗🏡Build Your Perfect Home!🏗🏡
With over 16 acres, this is the perfect opportunity to design the home of your dreams. The possibilities are endless! This parcel is perfect for any lifestyle! You can enjoy the serenity that rural life brings while still being close to town. Imagine watching the picturesque sunrise in the mornings and spending the evenings gazing up into the glittering sky. You will only be about 30 minutes from Downtown Prescott and will have access to all the festivities that Prescott has to offer!
#KWLand #KellerWilliams #acrage #Prescott #green #Arizonaland #createyourownlegacy #legacyren #buildyourdreamhome

- @christophechoo
- Beverly Hills, CA
- 6 years ago
I green living walls inside a home! Not only beautiful but also ads oxygen and humidity. #green #greenliving #livingwall

- @sunindiadevelopers
- Jaipur, RJ
- 10 years ago
The goal of a green home is to make the idea of sustainable development and living possible. South Ex is also designed on the #Green #home concept to the intelligent use of resources - Earth, Water, Health and Energy.

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
10% of buyers consciously choose green/energy efficient homes. I'm sure many more would care about their energy bills if they only knew better. Are we capturing these Buyers?
#GoGreen #Recycle #RenewableEnergy #GREEN

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Interesting French law. Thoughts?
#green #greenliving #renewableEnergy #SolarPanels #recycle #reuse ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
What doe #GREEN homes with #energyStar actually mean? It means more than you think. Check it out!
#GREEN #goGREEN #EnergyEfficient #GrEENHomes #beInformed ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Got a minute and some in the dryer dried laundry? Try this and report back!
#Recycle #reuse #GOGREEN #GREEN #checkThisOut ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
A great article about decluttering. Living minimally. Be the source for your clients and with them with their move! Check it out.
#minimalist #deClutter #Downsize #GREEN #moving

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
It was snowing in parts of Las Vegas! Yes, it snows in the desert! No matter where you are, here are tips to keep warm this winter.
#GoGREEN #EnergyStar #GREEN #Energy ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Are you part of these states that lead in #GREEN?
#EcoFriendly #goGREEN #inform #educate ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Interesting take on how you can reuse your old mattress.
#EcoFriendly #goGreen #GREEN #educate #inform

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Looking for eco friendly builders? Here's a list.
#EcoFriendly, #GoGREEN #GREEN #GREENLiving #GreenBuilders

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Less waste makes for a Happy planet indeed! We can all contribute!
#GoGreen #GREEN #ecoFriendly #educate #inform #realEstate

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Looking for designation and education? Here's a good one to look into.
#GREEN #GREENDesignation #GoGreen #EcoFriendly #awesome #educate #inform

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Walkscore. What is it? Great question. Maybe a question your Buyer or Seller will ask.
#WalkScore #walkability #GoGreen #GREEN #educate #inform ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Energy efficient light bulbs vs the regular light bulbs.
#GoGreen #green #ecofriendly #energyEfficient #educate #inform #energySTAR ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Looking to put together an #organicGarden? Here's how!
#GREEN #DIY #GreenGarden #Organic #garden #DIYOrganicGarden ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Looking for some energy efficient lighting options? Here are some to consider.
#GoGreen #GREEN #EcoFriendly #educate #inform #buyers #sellers #EnergyEfficient ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Next generation fridge saves time and the environment. Check. It. Out!
#Green #EcoFriendly #RealEstateGreen #GoGreen #Educate #inform ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Solar is expensive? I may be more affordable than you think. Check it out!
#solar #GoGREEN #solarEnergy #EcoFriendly #Sustainable #GREEN ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Simple and painless changes for more a Green friendly home.
#GREEN #GREENHome #Ecofriendly #inform #Educate #GreenFriendly #StayGreen ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Getting ready for an Open House? Take a look at these 8 very useful GREEN cleaning products. Take a look.
#GREEN #GREENCleaning #GREENMovement #stayGreen #educated #inform ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Greenwashing!! Say what?!!? Take a look.
#GREEN #Greenwashing #greenerPlanet #StayGreen #Inform #educate #inform #buyers #sellers #GreenOptions

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Going Green may be an uphill challenge when trying to introduce to clients, friends, and family. Instead of shoving it down their throat, educate and show the benefits of it. Here are 10 ways to Go Green and Save Green.
#GoingGreen #GREEN #educate #GREENKnowledge #educateToInform #Recycle #reuse

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Benefits of Green home building.
#Green #goingGreen #JanuaryGoingGreenMonth #educate #spreadTheWord #GreenBuilding #GreenBenefits

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Does your client base embrace the Green movement?
#GoGreen #GreenMovement #Green #resuse #recycle ...

- @huulantrinh1
- Las Vegas, NV
- 10 years ago
Today, I will be closing out Christmas. I'll be putting all the decorations away, cleaning up the displays, and most importantly recycling the Christmas Tree. Let's help our clients do the same. Here is some information about how, where, and why. Let's help out clients go Green!
#recycleTheChristmasTree #ChristmasTreeRecycling #GoGreen #Recycle #Green #afterHolidays #christmasTree

- @jefflasky
- Lisle, IL
- 11 years ago
MRED does this! From Inman News: NAR pushes for MLSs to highlight #green home features - more #mthbwy