Join the #Coffee Conversation

Deepak Pinky Bansal
Deepak Pinky Bansal

👉 “Good ideas start with brainstorming. Great ideas start with coffee.”⁣

✨ No two days in real estate are alike, but a simple morning routine that includes a cup of coffee (or two!); a great workout to start the day; journaling and meditation gives me a sense of balance that helps me get my mind and soul ready for the day ahead.⁣

🤔 What does your morning routine look like?⁣

#MotivationalMonday #MondayMotivational #realestate #coffee #njrealtor #thebansalteam #bansalteam #deepakpinkybansal #motivate #brainstorming #greatideas #startgoog #mindandsoul #routine #morningroutine

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